
welcome to our blog! we are first time builders and home owners trying to make our new house into a home that we love! we are keen diy'ers that are trying to do what we can on our own and on budget...... be sure to leave us a comment, we would love to hear from you!! april & allan

Friday, April 30, 2010

Released to Construction


Got the good news this afternoon that we have now been released to Construction.

Site works are expected to happen next week!

Some more pics below of our red pegs in the light of day.

It's funny, the process when you build is so long and drawn out that the only way to stay motivated is to break it up into little milestones - lodging with council, getting council approval, getting the final plans, getting final finance approval and now getting released to construction - and there is such a build up to each one, but then each time you pass one it seems an even bigger one is looming which will make things better again - and then when you look back at all the stages you have gotten through they seem so little to compared to the next one you are waiting for.

So here's to waiting for our next milestone - A Slab!

Red Pegs

Our Messy Block thanks to next doors builders

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